DIY: Decorate Your Wrapping

by - Monday, December 09, 2013

Since I take triple art and I have a lot of spare time on my hands I thought I'd jazz up my wrapping instead of just boring brown paper! So here's how:

Find embellishments such as Red and Green buttons, jingle bells, ribbon, candy cane string etc. Use any sort of plain paper (Brown,White or Red) and twine! 

Wrap the present then use your 'base' in this case - ribbon, candy cane string or twine. Check that whichever base you use fits around the present then cut. Sellotape or glue the your base to the present.

In my case I used the ribbon, if you have used ribbon you could add twine in the centre if you fancy it.

TA-DA! I added a luggage tag and some bells to this present, but you could add buttons or anything else you like. I hope this helped! :-) 

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