University Application Advice

by - Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So many of you probably have no clue that a couple days ago I went for my University interview. I thought I should write a post on it but that would be a very small post so I'm adding how it was applying for University. 

In September I walked into my form room and my tutor told me to start thinking about if I wanted to go to UNI or if I wanted to go into work, but I'm already working (part-time) and I knew I didn't want to do that every day so from day one I had to think about if I wanted to go to UNI or not. I thought about it for a month and I was dead set against going to UNI, I didn't want the debt, I didn't want to move and the course I wanted to do was 40 odd miles away so that was a no-no from the start. After a couple more weeks of hearing about the meetings at school to do with UCAS and UNI's (and people actually turning up!) I thought well if they aren't bothered about the debt and about moving away, why should I? So I spoke to my form tutor about what I wanted to do and what I didn't and he suggested to me about taking a gap year but I knew that I wouldn't go back if I did, so again another no-no. He then suggested what about staying at home for UNI and looking at a course here but they didn't have the course I originally wanted to do, I went away for another week or two and we (we being my tutor, art teacher and I) discussed the pro's and con's about UNI. I then made my mind up and applied for UCAS and did my personal statement (which I was dreading doing because of the fuss everyone else made about it from older years) but I quite enjoyed writing my personal statement, It took me three drafts but I did it! I then had to take my money in and I had to apply for one - five UNI's but I only applied for one. My head of year finally sent off my UCAS and within two - three days I had a email back from UCAS saying the UNI I applied for wanted to see my portfolio and interview me, so in a mad dash I ran to sixth form (on my day off!!) and my fabulous (no exaggeration) art teacher made time for me and helped me so much to pick what pieces of work to put in my portfolio. Then on the Monday I was finishing work with her it took us all day, no word of a lie. On the Tuesday I had both of my amazing art teachers help me put my work together for my portfolio and by 2 o'clock it was done and dusted and I could stop worrying.. but no! Me being the worry wart I am thought about the actual interviewing process - what would they ask me? what if I freeze up? what if I don't understand what they mean? etc but my teacher wrote down some typical questions they would ask me. I studied them over night and the morning of the interview. 

I got to the UNI and they called all of the courses out one by one and surely mine was last. There was only four of us that had our interview on that day so we followed the student who took us to the floor of the course and we sat and waited. Three tutors at the UNI asked us all to put our work out on the desk and then to sit back down and complete a questionnaire. Once I was sat down doing my questionnaire all the nerves had gone! I got called over by a tutor who my teachers had once had teaching them she asked me lots of different questions like what I'd like to do after UNI and where I'd like to be in 5 years etc. I must add we all had our interview in the same room at the same time about 3 meters apart.  The interview process was over. I now just had to wait for my answer as they couldn't give it us on the day. Two days later I had a reply from them I received a conditional offer which means that I'll be allowed in on conditions that I get my grades - MMP. I just hope I get them! 

If you guys have any more questions etc about the whole UNI process just leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you! I hope this has helped you:-)

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