
by - Friday, April 19, 2013

Hey there!

After much debate I've convinced myself to finally start a blog. I've been wanting to do one for some time now but I had no self confidence and thought nobody would read it as there are so many good blogs out there! Another reason I didn't want to start one was because I had no idea how to style or start my blog. So for now it will be very simple! Sorry about that. 

I thought that I'd start my blog because I take a huge interest in YouTube beauty gurus such as: SprinkleOfGlitter, Zoella, Tanya Burr, PixiWoo etc. Although I'd love to be a YouTuber I just don't have the confidence so I thought I should start a blog as most of them have one! Another reason I thought about starting up a blog is because I'm going to UNI to study Fashion And Textiles and I thought this would be a good way to start reviewing fashion in preparation for UNI!   

The main theme for my blog is Fashion, Beauty and I might add some photos of my art work - My theme is a lot like the big beauty gurus. Not that I'm trying to copy or be them this theme just interests me.

I'm looking forward to starting my blog and posting every week! I hope you enjoy reading.

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