Happy new year guys! Here's to 2018, let's hope it's a good'un for us all.
In 2017 I learnt a few lessons. The first is Save your money. In 2017 I started a new job, granted I didn't like it much but it was my income, it was me learning about that profession and it also taught me to never start my own business. I was at this place for all of 4 months before they laid me off, although it was a weight off my own shoulders it left me in a position of not having any income. I'm not a great saver, I see things and immediately purchase. I don't think about what I'm doing. It's a problem, I know.
People come and go. This is something I struggled to understand. I couldn't get my head around people coming into my life and walking straight back out of it. Now looking back, it all makes sense. These people came into my life for a reason and they went back out of it, again, for a reason. Who knows what the reason is but it'll all come together.
Social media is a show. Who posts shit days on social media? Nobody. I realised this while watching family vloggers. I can't remember which family it was in particular but someone had commented on a video of theirs and said 'Your life is just soooo perfect' and they addressed it by saying 'It's definitely not perfect, we show 15 minutes of our 24 hour day. We don't show the kids arguing or fighting with each other and we don't show us disciplining them. Our life is not perfect.' it hit me hard realising that, yeah, I only post photos when I've got makeup on and my hairs done. Madness when you realise.
These are just 3 of the lessons I learnt in 2017, what did you learn? If you have any tips for me on how to save money, let me know in the comments below! I'd love to read some of your tips and tricks.