December Favourites

by - Saturday, January 04, 2014

We've come to the end of another month again and its time for my monthly favourites so here we go!
This is everything I've been loving in December.

The first thing I've been loving this month is the Justin Bieber Girlfriend perfume, I usually get a new celebrity perfume for Christmas and I still had half of this bottle left so I tried to use it up so that I could make way for my new celeb perfume and I realised how much I actually liked it so now I'm trying to savor every bit of it! I may just have to re-purchase.

The second thing I've been loving this past month is dry hair shampoo, I don't use this as a 'quick way to wash your hair' kind of product I use it for more volume although my hair is very very very thick.. my hair is also very long so it goes flat super quickly, I love this floral-y sort of scent so I got one to put in my bag as a as-you-go product. I highly recommend this scent.

The next thing I'm lusting over this month is having some 'me' time. December is a very busy month for me.Yes, I have two weeks off from sixth form but I still go to work and do extra shifts and have sixth form work to finish etc so whenever I've been able to have an hour or two off I'll grab a Bath Bomb, a book and a candle. Last month I was reading The Perks Of Being A Wallflower but this month I've decided to start reading 14,000 Things To Be Happy About, I enjoy seeing other people happy so I thought surely I'd enjoy this book and I'm sure I'd relate to some of them!

This is a strange way to start a new favourite paragraph but I have small/short nails naturally but this month I've had acrylics on to help me grow my natural nails and personally I think rings with longer nails look so much nicer than my short horrible nails so the last time I grew my nails I got some Midi Rings and then stopped growing my nails so I stopped wearing them but now that I've got acrylics on.. out come the rings. (I got to the point in the end) I've been loving wearing Midi Rings this month, they're so cute!

The last thing I've been loving this month is Dollie Pumps, I'm usually always wearing converse, vans or boots etc but this month (despite the cold) I've loved wearing Dollie Pumps. I have this exact pair in tan (as shown above) and in Black Suede. I love them so much they're so cute. I need to get myself some more!

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