Pamper Evening Essentials

by - Thursday, January 09, 2014

Just a quick mid-week blogpost to show you guys my pamper evening essentials!

First of all I like to get all my favourite bath-time things together such as: my face mitt, favourite bath bomb, my Soap and Glory collection, the book i'm reading, my iPad and my cleanser. I lay out everything where I want them for example my Soap and Glory collection at the bottom of the bath etc. I like to run my bath then add a dab of my bubble bath and while I'm waiting for my bath to fill up a bit more I'll take my make-up off and cleanse my face. Once it's nearly full I add my bath bomb (my favourites are from Bomb Cosmetics). Once I've used my Soap and Glory scrub of your life and I've used the Body Shop Strawberry Shower gel I'll take some time to relax and read a chapter of my book or even watch Eastenders on my iPad. I then wash my hair over the bath with the shower head and that's the bath side of it all. 

I use the righteous butter, heel genius and hand food from Soap and Glory for once I'm out of the bath. Then I stick on a onesie or some comfy pyjamas and paint my nails (which is changed throughout the week atleast 3 times!) while I'm waiting for my nails to dry I play a game of spider solitaire on my iPad, and that's pretty much it!

Thanks for reading!

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