Gig going and McBusted

by - Saturday, May 03, 2014

Hiya Guys!
Another quick blogpost from me. This time its all about gig going and McBusted. So lets get on to it.

A couple months back when McBusted decided to put tour dates on I immediately wanted to go but hadn't got any money at the time (so of course I couldn't go *sad face*) but a couple weeks later they added more dates and I had finally been paid and had the opportunity to get tickets for me and my fellow blogger, Jessie. We we're totally excited about the whole thing and we couldn't contain our excitement for a good couple of weeks. But yesterday afternoon I was browsing through my twitter feed and noticed that the LG arena were holding a "Flash competition" to win two tickets for the OMFGZONE (click here to see the boys explain what it is) So because I'm not going to see the guys for another two/three weeks I thought ah I'll just Retweet its doubtful that I'll actually get tickets but I'll give it a go. The competition closed at 3pm and winners would be contacted by the LG arena on twitter. For a good thirty minutes they hadn't replied to anyone or direct messaged the winners so we all just gave up asking who had won.. less than two minutes later the LG arena had messaged me and told me I had won two OMFGZONE tickets!! I was in complete shock, I cried and screamed and danced all the way down the stairs to tell my parents. They just laughed. I had 30 minutes to get ready, get a train and get my tickets.. It was a rush and a half but we did it. I took a friend who hadn't gotten tickets to see them but really wanted to. All I can say is that the show was amazing. I'm still hyped about it and I can't wait to see them again on the 27th May. 

Some of my videos are on my YouTube page (click here)
Some of my pictures are on my Instagram (click here)
And last but not least I've made a playlist of the setlist (click here to listen)

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