The Beauty Scenario Tag!

by - Monday, June 30, 2014

I wasn't tagged by anyone but I saw a few people complete this tag the other day and I thought it would be pretty cool for me to do, so here we go!

Tag Questions:

1. You have to get rid of all your foundations and you can only keep one high end and one drugstore, which do you keep?

For sure Estée Lauder Double wear and L'oreal Infalliable!

2. You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has lipstick on her teeth. Do you approach the subject or ignore it completely?

Erm, this is a bit tricky.. Maybe ignore it? Maybe pretend to get lipstick off my own teeth and hope that she does too? Such a tricky question!

3. You're not feeling yourself and need a pick me up. Which lipstick do you put on to make yourself feel beautiful?

Maybe a red lipstick? Any brand 

4. You go back in time for a day to your teenage years, how would you do your hair and makeup differently?

Because I'm still in my "teenage years" its a bit difficult for me to say, but for sure I'd stop pulling my hair across my face and pretending I have a swept fringe, ew. I'd also stop scraping my hair back into a ponytail!

5. You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott hair cut, but they hear wrong and give you a pixi cut. Do you a) Smile, say thank you, leave and call your mum hysterical b) Cry in the chair and things get awkward or c) Complain to the manager and demand a refund.

Oh goodness, I don't think I'd let it get that far.. I mean my hair is super long (almost to my bum!) so I think I'd know what my hairdresser was doing. But if she did do that, I think I'd cry, ring my mum and then once I'd rang my mum I'd then demand a refund. 

6. Your friend surprises you with a 4 day city break and you have 1 hour to pack. Which 'do it all' palette do you pack in your makeup bag?

My sleek contour kit.

7. Your house has been robbed, don't worry everyone is safe, but your beauty stash has been raided. What's the product you really hope is safe?

My foundations!

8. Your friend borrows your makeup and returns it in awful condition. Do you a) Just pretend you haven't noticed b) Ask them to repurchase it or c) Secretly do the same to something of theirs

I think at first I'd pretend I hadn't noticed but then I think I'd text them and ask them to repurchase it

I TAG: Jessie

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