Monthly Music Favourites #003

by - Tuesday, July 01, 2014

And again.. Robyn fails at a blog series. No surprise there! But I am back with MMF for this month! MMF is just a Monthly Music Favourite playlist, songs I've been loving this month that I wanted to share with you all. 

Theres no surprise the 5sos boys are in this playlist, I love them. This song has been wondering around YouTube for a while (that i know of) and every time it comes up in the suggestion box I end up listening to it! Give it a listen, the link is the title and pick up the boys album now ;-)

This song was in my May Favourites and I still haven't stopped listening to it! Its my birthday this week and there's no doubt about it i'll be singing this, haha.

All hail Queen D. Demi has always been my favourite female artist and then she teamed up with Cher on her latest album "DEMI" for this track, when I got the album this song was always the one I would skip tracks to listen to. I love the lyric video and I love the official video even more.

Justin Timberlake is such a great artist. I love his album and I'm so glad he's released this song as a single.

I've been watching some interviews with George in lately and I'm so glad I did. He explained that he tries to make sure in his EPs and Songs that there's a "story" (A start, a middle and a ending). Since listening to some of his EPs I've noticed that there seems to be a story to them. I really enjoy listening to George's voice theres something really nice about it. 

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