by - Saturday, January 03, 2015

Happy New Year guys, I hope you all had a great start to the year. I’ve been thinking about things I want to achieve in 2015. I’m starting a fresh, leaving all the negative that happened in 2014 behind. So without further ado – Here’s everything I want to achieve this year.

Travel more  -  I really want to travel around the UK more. Ok, maybe not just the UK but who knows?! Travelling is something I really enjoy; I even enjoy the ride there and back, its all part of the experience.

Learn to drive -  Recently I’ve been so eager to learn to drive, I’ve never thought about it before or been bothered but after starting university last year I’ve seen how many people drive and the independence that comes with driving. I’ve been taking theory tests online already and I’ve not had a single driving lesson! Eager beaver haha.

Be independent -  This is a huge thing for me, it may not seem it to anyone else but it really is. After struggling with mild-anxiety throughout 2013 and 2014 I’ve made some progress to becoming more independent and happier doing things alone. Don’t get me wrong; I love being on my own but not when it comes to being in public. I’ve overcome little things in 2014 but this year I want to overcome many more things and for this to happen I have to be independent.

Budget/Save my money – This is something I’m AWFUL at, I’m always in debt with somebody or I’ve overspent. I blame it on being a Fashion student because lets face it.. You can’t be a fashion student and not buy every garment you fall in love with.. Ok, you can but it’s my only excuse! ;-)

Blog more – I love taking time out to write a blog post so why don’t I do it more? It’s as simple as that. Do more of what you love.

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