May Favourites

by - Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I'm pretty late on the favourites train this month but hey! better late than never. These couple of things I've picked out this month have been my go-to or have stood out and taken the title of my favourites (for this month, atleast). In this months favourites theres a couple beauty/hair products, a book, a youtuber and a feel good song!

The Fault in Our Stars By John Green -  I can't say a bad word about this book, I've been reading it for the past couple of months and last month I finally finished it. It's one of those books you never want to end. I cried, I smiled, I got mad and I got excited. I'm not going to spoil the book for you, but believe me when I say you'll love it! I can't wait for the film to be released here in the UK. I'll be there the day its out.

Benefit Hoola Bronzer - I have a love hate relationship with this product. Some months I'll love it, Some months I wont. I think it's a really good contouring colour but just for some bronzing I don't particularly like it (maybe because I'm very pale and any colour makes me look orange). 

Soap and Glory Righteous Butter - This product is a god send!! Literally. It's such a good moisturiser. I use this everyday, I'm so glad I listened to the recommendations and gave into the hype!

V05 Refresh Me Quick - I picked up this product as it was on a really cheap deal in Superdrug. Its basically dry hair shampoo with a hint of hair spray hold to it. It's really good for people with long hair as it gives you that "umph!" you need. The smell isn't like any regular dry hair shampoo, it's a lot nicer. If you ever get the chance to try it, do so!

L'oreal Paris Matt&Messy - Hands down the best Salt Spray I've ever used. It gives your hair that beachy look near enough right away. 

Favourite Youtuber this month - My favourite Youtuber this month has to be Zoe aka Zoella. I love her, shes always been my favourite youtuber but this past month she's really stood out from the rest for me. Check her out!

Favourite Song this month - Birthday by Katy Perry. I love Katy Perry so much, she's one of those artists you can listen to and instantly relate to her songs. I heard this song on Capital FM for the first time and loved it. So of course I had to Youtube it.. The video is the best thing I've ever seen. I can't wait to sing it on my birthday! 

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