by - Sunday, November 09, 2014

Where have I been I hear you ask, well never fear I'm back! I took some time off from blogging because I simply had bloggers block. I've been trying to gather ideas for posts while I've been away and I think I have a few I can go on with until the next dreaded bloggers block. I hope you keep on reading and enjoy whats coming up in the next couple of months. 

Whats new? - I started at university in October and I was convinced I would hate it and that I'd drop out but it's been a little over a month and I'm completely in love with it. I never thought the university path would be for me as I started to dread any form of education earlier this year. I'm currently studying Fashion and Textiles. It's great, I've had a few ups and downs with my anxiety while being at university but nevertheless I've overcome it. If any of you have any questions about university - don't be afraid to message/tweet me I'd love to answer your questions. 

Whats going to happen next? - I don't completely know myself yet, all I do know is I wont be posting as frequently as I used to. Throughout the summer I posted nearly everyday sometimes even twice in one day but now I'm caught up with working, university and having to juggle time to see friends and family - I'll post when I can. There will be some posts that will be set to post at certain times as where I work gets super busy around the Christmas period and I'm needed nearly everyday. 

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