2018bbloggerbloggerbloggingblogpostClothesClothingloveOOTDtopshopwishingwishlist TOPSHOP WISHLIST by Unknown - Wednesday, March 07, 2018 I haven't been into Topshop for a verrrrry long time so I thought I'd have a look on their website. I love online shopping more than actual shopping, I feel like I find way more. Here's what I'm wishing for from Topshop this month. SHOP THE SET. FILA TOP / RED JACKET / GOLD EARRINGS / BLACK BUTTON DRESS / CAT EYE GLASSES / PINK SWEATER / GOLD LAYERED NECKLACE / CONTRAST DENIM SKIRT Tags : 2018, bblogger, blogger, blogging, blogpost, Clothes, Clothing, love, OOTD, topshop, wishing, wishlist Newer Post Older Post You May Also Like 0 comments