by - Friday, July 18, 2014

I am by no means at one with nature but I couldn't help but bring my camera along to a friendly outing and take some snaps for you guys, not all of you will appreciate this.. I understand. 

I don't really go out and/or see my friends much now I've finished sixth form, we meet up for birthdays and for outing to the pub once in a while but that's all really. We all went our separate ways, working, becoming a hermit (ahah) and going on to learn new things. I've missed spending everyday except weekends with them so I decided to round everyone up and go to a really cute little park, well.. I say little, it's pretty big but hey ho! I brought my camera along for the journey and after pondering on the way to the park about what I could blog about next, this post came to mind.. 

I'm not sure how to say this without it sounding really cheesy and cringy.. but like I said above, I miss my friends and how close we were. 

I went to my brothers graduation today (yes, there will be a post on it!) and one of the chancellors said "Don't forget where you came from, remember who your friends are and always keep in touch with them. You be the one to make sure everyone meets up at least once a year". It got me thinking and from now on I'm going to make sure we all see each other once a week even if its just going to the pub, going to a park, or even just driving around and having a chat. I just thought it would be a really nice idea to sort something out for us this summer before we all go our separate ways in September/October.  

I just wanted to say that if you miss something.. do something about it. I did and now we're planning stuff to do weeks ahead!  

P.s. Sorry for the cheesy post ;-)

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